Teacher Version

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Backward Until Far

How do we move until far?

In the program shown in the Forward Until Near video, the robot will move forward until it detects a wall or object within the set threshold. Now, perform the opposite. Create a program that makes the robot move backwards from a wall or object until it is beyond the set threshold.

Virtual Robot: MoveUntilFarVR.rbg

Physical Robot: MoveUntilFar.rbg


  • Place the robot with the distance sensor near a wall.
  • Program the robot to back away from it until it is 30 cm away.

Quick Tips

Use these hints below to help you solve the challenge.

  • Remember that negative motor power makes the robot move backwards.
  • The distance will start below the threshold (closer than 30 cm). You will need to back up until the distance is greater than the threshold.

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